Australia Natural Energy Healing Institute

Australia Natural Energy Healing Institute

John Steward
A welcoming message from our principal
On behalf of everyone at Australia Natural Energy Healing Institute, let me extend a very warm welcome to our Institute and wonderful community.
At ANEHI, we offer a wild range of energy healing courses including crystal healing, Aromatherapy , Animal communication and healings , Oriental Yuansheng Palace and many other energy healing accredited courses. Our Institute is long established and has a strong track record of outstanding academic results.
Our priority is to provide a safe, secure and engaging learning environment – one that is inclusive, ambitious and challenging. Our amazing students come from all corners of the world, and they thrive as active contributors to our rich, vibrant and diverse Energy Healing community.
We believe that your heart has led you here, to our divine sanctuary, to our vibrant community and to ANEHI. And we embrace you.
We offer you a path towards your true self, your higher purpose, to become spiritually luminous, shining your inner light to create a lasting, positive offering to the world.
All our energy healing courses are divinely designed to expand your capacity for authentic self-healing and becoming a source of light for all beings.
Our instructors and healers are highly dedicated and put every client and student at the heart of everything they do. Our staff are deeply passionate about providing high-quality education skills to ensure our students have the best possible chances of success both while studying and in the future.
Life at ANEHI is a seamless journey for all our students and the valuable experiences they gain will have a lasting impact. At our core is a focus on high performance in all areas. We are a High Performance Learning World Class accredited school and our students learn in an environment where everyone matters, everyone succeeds and no one is left behind.
Thank you and I look forward to meeting you soon.
John Steward
Principal & CEO
Australia Natural Energy Healing Institute (Australia QLD)
Meet us
Our Main Staff
Annie Lo
International Business Director
Master Healer/Senior Crystal Healing Instuctor/Senior Animal Communication Instructor/Senior Oriental Yuanshen Palace Instructor
Qualifications & Certification
Thetahealing Instructor/Pratictioner
NGH Hypnotherapist
IPAC Internatioanl Hyponosis Practitioner
CAMBS Senior Spiritual Practitioner
BLISSbowls Singing Bowl Healer
IPAC Oriental Yuanshen Palace Practitoner
NAHA Aromatherapist
IPHM Naturopathy Practitioner
Natural Healer Senior Crystal Healer
Under The Crystal Remote View of the Soul Crystal Healer
Metaphysical Anatomy Practitioner
Bachelor of Pharmocology (BSc.)
Lily Henderson
Operational Manager
Senior Crystal Healing Practitioner and Instructor/Senior Animal Communication Instructor/Senior Aromatherapy Instructor/Oriental Yuanshen Palace Practitoner
Qualifications & Certification
NGH Hypnotherapist
CAMBS Senior Spiritual Practitioner
IPAC Oriental Yuanshen Palace Practitoner
ACOA Aromatherapist
AGCC Crystal Healer
Singing Bowl Instructor
IPAC Spiritual Practitioner
Reiki Master
Senior Amnimal Communicator
Bachelor of Science
Alex Andrews
Marketing Manager
Senior Crystal Healing Practitioner and Instructor/ Senior Animal Communication Instructor/ Senior Aromatherapy Instructor
Qualifications & Certification
NGH Hypnotherapist
CAMBS Senior Spiritual Practitioner
IPAC Yuansheng Gong Practitioner
AGCC Crystal Healer
Singing Bowl Instructor
Renki Master
Bachelor of Art
Copyright © Australia Natural Energy Healing Institute 2022
All rights reserved.