• Welcome to Australia Natural Energy Healing Institute





    About Us

    Australia Natural Energy Healing Institute was established in 2008 by the latest legendary Crystal MasterHealer ; Ana-Maria Levandovschi. (1937-2022). Ana-Maria was a leading energy healing pioneer. She was well known for her incredible psychic ability and power as well as her unique crystal healing techniques and knowledge. Ana-Maria has touched and healed thousands of people all around the world . Ana-Maria was born in Romania where her family operated a crystal mining business. Since the early age of five, she started to develop her special psychic ability and were able to connect to the Divine energy . Through channelling the energy, Ana-Maria is able to communicate with crystals and animals and had since being working as a crystal healer and animal communicator for the last 79 years. In 2008, a group of great crystal and energy healers who were inspired and guided by Ana-Maria to set up Australia Natural Energy Healing Institute with a vision to help people around the world to understand the true healing power of crystals and to unlock of the mystery of how to use the powerful nature healing energy to heal ourselves and our animal kingdom friends.

    Started with two healers based in Queensland Australia, the institute has developed rapidly in recent years and now has students and accredited healers all around the world.

  • The Legendary Crystal Healing Master: Ana-Maria Levandovschi

    Ana-Maria Levandovschi was born in Romania where her family operated a crystal mining business. Since the early age of five, she started to develop her special psychic ability and were able to connect to the Divine energy . Through channeling the energy, Ana-Maria is able to communicate with crystals and animals and had since being working as a crystal healer and animal communicator for the last 79 years. Ana-Maria was well known for her incredible ability to heal others and our animal friends through the help of her precious crystal friends. Her deep understanding of the power of nature healing energy and knowledge of crystal healing techniques has inspired many other engergy healers around the world. Ana-Maria has charmed others with her loving and caring personality as well as her wisdom and love for the planet.

    Anna Maria completed her sacred mission on Earth in April 2022 and returned peacefully to the glory of the Lord. However, her legacy of selfless love and a lifetime of priceless knowledge and experience in crystal healing and energy healing will continue to make a great contribution to the ascension and well-being of the Earth and humanity.





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    Another beautiful and inspiring course from ANEHI; I love crystals and it was amazing to learn how we can use them in a healing layout for ourselves and others. I really appreciate the Instructor showing the step by step healing sessions - very clearly demonstrated and very well explained. Thank you!

    — Amelia Collins


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    Thank you for a great course on Advanced Crystal Healing. I learned a lot and excited to keep on learning. The instructor Annie have a wonderful way of teaching and a very warm and loving vibe. Thank you again.

    — Danielle Lensley





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    This course was wonderful and so informative! Very easy to follow with the Instructor being very relaxed and easy to work with. The course content itself was very interesting. A great asset to my working. Thank you!

    Ada Moonly





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    I thoroughly enjoyed this course. It's very thorough and well organized. It did make me review my crystal collection to identify gaps in specific crystals as well as quantities, so yeah, it is time to do a bit of shopping. I definitely do recommend this course. There are some other crystal healing courses out there that are not as thorough as this one, making this one a top pick for me. I've been a Reiki Master for over 10 years and it is important to me that any healing course I take is organized, thorough and built with care . This one does!

    Cissy Kurby

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    Thank you again for another wonderful and easy understanding course. The knowledge and wisdom imparted will help me to become a conduit for universal healing, light and love!

    — Alan Drew










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    I really enjoyed the series of crystal healing courses. The instructor was very knowledgable. I have been using crystals for healing for over 20 years, but I still learned a lot of new techniques and knowledge from the Holistic Crystal Healing courses, I can now integrate these new techniques that i have learnt into my healing sessions. I highly recommend Holistic Crystal Healing courses for anyone with or without any energy healing experience.

    —Shirley Hill



  • Disclaimer

    We are not doctors and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. If you are sick or unwell ,always seek help and advice from a medical professional. Energy Healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but rather to complement and enhance it. Energy Healing should only be used with the understanding that it is not an independent therapy, but one that is a part of a holistic healing approach. Results of energy healing will vary from person to person.


    None of the materials provided on this web site may be used, reproduced or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or the use of any information storage and retrieval system, except as provided for in the Terms and Conditions of Use of Australia Natural Energy Healing Institute Web Sites, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    News-related material can be used as long as the appropriate credit is given and the Australia Natural Energy Healing Institute is advised.

    To request such permission or for further enquires, please contact us.